My Windowsill Healing Herb Garden – Part 3

The herb journey continues.  I’ve moved my planter to an elevated windowsill, taking advantage of every ray of sunshine we are likely to see now we are entering Autumn. I’ve placed the whole planter in a large clear bag, hoping this will act as a propagator and encourage the seeds to germinate quickly.  Creating a warm, moist environment is ideal at this stage and I’m sure we’ll see some tiny green sprouts soon.    

Peppermint, Lemon Balm, Rosemary, Chives, Thyme, and Parsley seeds were planted a week ago and so far we have already looked at the health benefits, of caring for and maintaining the herbs Peppermint, Lemon Balm, Rosemary, and Parsley. Now it’s time to dive into Chives and Thyme and discover the health benefits nature has provided.


Thyme is an evergreen herb that belongs to the mint family but is also a relative of the Oregano family.  It loves a sunny position in your garden (indigenous to the Mediterranean). Thyme is quite hardy and can survive a harsh winter if the soil is well-drained and also dry hot summers.

Thyme has been well-documented throughout history.  The Greeks burnt Thyme incense in temples as they felt it would promote courage.  Ancient Egyptians used Thyme in their embalming process, as it was believed to give safe passage and the Romans used it to purify rooms (antibacterial/microbial properties) and to enhance the flavours of food and drink.

Health Benefits

Thyme has so many health benefits which we could all use to enhance our daily living. It is packed with vitamins and minerals and can supplement our recommended daily intake of essential nutrients for a healthy mind and body.  

Studies have shown that essential thyme oil used therapeutically can improve mood by naturally increasing dopamine and serotonin levels within the body.  Use in a diffuser or by smudging can not only deodorise and purify the air in your rooms but also could improve your mood and mental well-being.

As mentioned previously, thyme has antibacterial, antimicrobial, and antifungal properties. This is due to Thymol. Thymol is a natural constituent of the oil of thyme and is found in the Thyme plant Thymus vulgaris.  It is a natural active ingredient in pesticides, fungicides, medical disinfectants, tuberculocides, and virucides. It is used in a variety of everyday products, such as toothpaste, mouthwashes, and disinfectants, to name but a few.  The most interesting is that Thymol is actively used to prevent a particular type of mold from growing in bee hives, hence helping our life-givers too.


The beautiful purple flowers and leaves of the herb Chive are delicious and closely related to shallot, garlic, and onion.

Chives are easily grown from seed and will grow well in a sunny or partially shaded area.  They will die back in the winter to reamerge in the Spring allowing for nutritious healthy leaves and flowers can be collected between Spring to Autumn.  You can expand your patch by delving into the Chive clumps and splitting every few years to produce your sustainable and highly nutritious herb garden.

Although Chives can be used as a bug repellant in your garden, the nectar-rich flowers are a favorite of bees and other pollinating insects, which is always a reason to plant outdoors and help our friends.  Both the flowers and pollinating insects are pretty too!

Chives are mainly used as a milder onion substitute and within many culinary delights. Use in soups, on pasta dishes, or garnish mashed potatoes. But remember to add at the very end of cooking as heat will destroy their delicate flavour.

Health Benefits

Chives can be considered as a superfood, high in vitamins, minerals, and flavonoid antioxidants but low in calories. Their high levels of vitamin C improve our immune system, vitamin K assists with blood clotting and wound healing, and high levels of vitamin A help with our eyesight. Its high antioxidant levels work as natural anti-inflammatories helping to relieve symptoms caused by eg. arthritis or muscle soreness. Chives also contain allicin which is a very important antioxidant that studies have shown to inhibit the effects of cancers such as oesophageal, stomach, and prostate (see link below). But, chives also help our bodies produce glutathione, which identifies cancer-causing cells and eliminates them.

Chives are loaded with B vitamins which play a big part in digestion, appetite, and metabolism. With this in mind adding chives to your diet routinely could assist you in losing weight and improve gut health and the metabolism of foods.

Chives have excellent antibacterial, antiviral, antifungal, and antibiotic properties. With its high levels of vitamin C added to these properties, Chives are useful with the treatment of conditions such as acne, and fungal infections or aesthetically in the reduction of facial fine lines and wrinkles to aid in reducing the signs of aging.

Chives along with all the herbs that have been sown into my windowsill herb garden are all ‘superfoods’ which really need to be added to our daily recommended list. Why wouldn’t you?

With all of the researched, evidence-based health benefits collated we all should think about changing our diets slightly and use what nature intended us to consume. By doing so we are improving our quality of life both physically and mentally.

I’ve shown that the 6 herbs within my herb planter are easy to plant, within a zero-cost planter. Compost was relatively inexpensive (free if you compost – blog soon on beginners guide to composting). The health benefits certainly outweigh the time taken to produce and plant and will allow for sustainable healthy herbs daily. But, the most important part of this journey is that I am able to share with you beautiful and like-minded souls I love so much.

If taking any prescription drugs or pregnant/breastfeeding please consult your medical practitioner before consuming any plant or herb as a holistic therapy in conjunction with westernised traditional medicine. 

As with any therapy, if you have any side effects stop using it immediately and consult your medical practitioner.

Smudging was mentioned in this article. Click on the link below to learn more:

Smudging Sticks – Benefiting your health and well-being

Love Life x