Medical Cannabis (canna)

Welcome to a short relating to Medical Cannabis and three differences between Recreational and Medical canna use.

1 Medical –  In November 2018 it became legal for a registered medical practitioner to prescribe medical canna through either the NHS or Private Health clinic.  It is strictly regulated and closely monitored throughout the growing process.  This guarantees a pure, safe form where CBD (cannabidiol) and THC (tetrahydrocannabinol) levels can be accurately measured,  allowing for targeted treatment for users.  Medical canna is typically administered at dosages lower than those employed for recreational use, primarily to obtain therapeutic benefits whilst alleviating the risk of intoxication or impairment.

Street canna is not regulated (illegal) and therefore potentially at a higher risk of contamination due to the use of pesticides or spores contaminating the product during cultivation.  There is also no guarantee that CBD or THC % levels are as described.  Street canna is not only purchased to obtain a ‘buzz’ or ‘high’, but by people who suffer from mental health issues, pain, nausea, etc and wish to try and lead a ‘normal life’ but are unaware that they may be able to obtain via NHS or Private Clinic. 

2 Administration – Medical canna can be administered orally using capsules or oils or using a medical dry herb vapouriser.  The particular strain and method of administration wield significant influence over the probability of experiencing a psychotropic high. For instance, the vaporisation of cannabis tends to induce a swifter and more potent onset of effects in contrast to the more gradual and milder impact associated with cannabis oil consumption.

Street canna can be inhaled using a bong, pipe, or rolled with or without tobacco into a joint/blunt, or edibles can be made using the oil extracted from the flower or as with medical ingested using capsules or oils.  Reiterating that street canna is not regulated, therefore % THC or CBD cannot be validated.

3 Prescription – A Medical cannabis prescription can be obtained from a Private clinic or NHS.   It is a Class B drug that is heavily regulated and obtaining it via NHS is difficult due to the strict NICE (National Institute Clinical Excellence) guidelines. However, there are many private clinics available to choose from who will be happy to look at eligibility and support you through the process to legally obtain a medication that could change your life, alleviating symptoms caused by:  anxiety, chronic pain, nausea, or improving sleep and easing migraines to name but a few.

If you require further information regarding medical cannabis please click on the link below:

Or visit (UK)

Love Life x