I routinely talk about Chakras during my fun ‘Crystal of the Week’ blog and as I wasn’t truly au fait with this subject, I felt it was time to do some research and educate myself.
As always, when I educate myself I love to share and help you too.
Chakras, often referred to as spiritual energy portals, play a vital role in our holistic well-being by facilitating the flow of energy within our aura. These intricate energy centers are integral to maintaining our overall physical, emotional, and spiritual health. To grasp their significance fully, it is crucial to comprehend and harmonize the delicate balance of energy within these chakras.
Each chakra corresponds to significant nerve bundles, organs, and specific areas within the energetic body, ultimately influencing both our emotional and physical well-being
These energy portals, seven in total, are strategically located along the central axis of our body, from the base of the spine to the crown of the head. Each chakra is associated with a distinct color, symbol, and set of attributes that encompass various aspects of our existence.
The key to maintaining optimal well-being is to ensure that these chakras are open, balanced, and aligned. When the chakras are in harmony, energy flows freely throughout the body, promoting physical health, emotional stability, and spiritual growth. However, if a chakra becomes blocked or imbalanced, it can disrupt the flow of energy, leading to physical ailments, emotional distress, and a sense of spiritual disconnection.
How can we improve our health? By improving understanding and appreciating that sometimes we have to change our lifestyle and educate ourselves to promote long-lasting physical and mental health.
Having the knowledge to enhance spiritual growth and implementing practices that originated in India 1500 to 500 BC and mentioned in one of the oldest texts the ‘Vedas’ can facilitate a whole new approach to life and how we live.
There Are 7 Main Chakras Located Within Our Body
Name: Root Chakra (Muladhara – The Root of Existence) – translation from Sanskrit an ancient and classical language from India.
Colour: Red
Number: 1
Placement: Base of Spine
Allows you to feel grounded and withstand life’s hurdles. Stability and Security both physically and emotionally.
A blocked Root Chakra will physically show as bladder and bowel issues or emotionally through feelings of insecurity relating to finances or basic needs to survive.
Name: Sacral Chakra (Svadhisthana – Where your Being is Established)
Colour: Orange
Number: 2
Placement: Below the Umbilicus.
The sacral chakra relates to sexual and creative energies. Emotionally how you feel about yourself and others.
A blocked sacral chakra may bring about physical symptoms such as an infection in the urinary tract or suffering from impotence. Emotionally a low libido or feelings of a lack of self-worth.
Name: Solar Plexus Chakra (Manipura – City of Jewels)
Colour: Yellow
Number: 3
Position: Stomach
If you feel in control of your life then you have an open and free-flowing chakra. Solar Plexus Chakra is related to self-esteem and confidence.
A blocked solar plexus would show symptoms such as indigestion, stomach ulcers, or eating disorders.
Name: Heart Chakra (Anahata – Unhurt, Unstruck and Unbeaten)
Colour: Green
Number: 4
Position: Centre of Chest
The heart chakra is the centre of love, compassion, and connection. It enables our ability to give and receive love, empathy, and harmonious relationships. When your energy is flowing freely through your heart chakra it will encourage love and forgiveness.
However, if our portal is blocked or imbalanced then we will suffer from emotional pain and a sense of isolation and loneliness.
Name: Throat Chakra (Vishuddha – Especially Pure)
Colour: Blue
Number: 5
Position: Throat
The Throat Chackra enables us to articulate our emotions openly and honestly as connected directly to communication, self-expression, and truth. A balanced throat chakra will allow for effective communication.
However, an imbalanced throat chakra may lead to difficulties in speaking the truth or expressing oneself appropriately.
Name: Third Eye Chakra (Ajna – Authority, Command or Perceive)
Colour: Indigo
Number: 6
Position: Between the Eyebrows
When the Third Eye Chakra is open and energies are free flowing you generally will become intuitive and have spiritual insight. It will encourage you to trust our inner wisdom and vibes. See beyond the physical world we live in and embrace the way we feel.
A blocked Third Eye Chakra will cause anxiety as there will be no focus, and a lack of direction resulting in confusion.
Name: Crown Chakra (Sahasrara – The Bridge to the Cosmos)
Colour: Violet
Number: 7
Position: Crown of the Head
The Crown Chakra signifies our relationship and connection to the higher consciousness spiritually. It represents unity, transcendence, and connecting with our true emotions and self. This brings about spiritual awareness and wisdom.
An imbalance or blockage within the Crown Chakra will lead to feelings of disconnection.
Balancing and aligning these chakras through various practices helps ensure a harmonious flow of energy throughout the body, promoting physical health, emotional well-being, and spiritual growth. We shall learn how to align and maintain open and balanced chakras next week.