Malachite: Transformation and Positive Change

-photo by Ethan Banks

Mined from the Isthmus of Suez and the Sinai as early as 4000 BCE and the Great Orme Mines in Britain 3,800 years ago this copper carbonate hydroxide mineral is known for its rich opaque green colour and the ability to enhance transformation and positive change.  

Its name was given as it resembled the vibrant green leaves of the mallow plant and its rich green colour from the element copper which oxidises (reacts) with surrounding elements.  Malachite was originally mined and smelt down to obtain the metal copper. However, more recently is used in jewellery and ornaments.

The ancient Egyptians associated the colour green with death and resurrection hence their afterlife was known as the ‘Field of Malachite’ where you lived without pain or suffering.

Malachite possesses emotional solid healing and can remove harmful and toxic energies surrounding you, flooding you with inner strength and courage.

It is a stone of travel, if held tightly before a flight it will help with the fear of flying and related, such as jet lag.  It is well known as the stone of protection for airline workers and I now have a better understanding of why I was given malachite as a gift from a dear friend and work colleague when I flew my first solo long-haul flight.  

Malachite is connected to the heart and throat chakra (chakra locations above – blue circle-throat / green circle-heart). It assists in unblocking negative energies, allowing positivity to flow freely allowing autonomy, confidence, and a feeling of emotional clarity… everything is good in life. Spiritually malachite clears and activates the heart chakra. This opens our hearts to unconditional love and acceptance and encourages us to break ties of unwanted love and worn-out, unfulfilling relationships.

The zodiac sign Taurus is mostly related to Malachite, assisting them to step out of their comfort zone, encouraging them to take risks and ultimately triumph over adversity. It is also connected to both Capricorn and Scorpio too, again this is due to their dislike of change and risk-taking. The stone, as with Taureans will help clarify situations. This allows for them to be more open to change, allowing risks to be taken, that they otherwise would never contemplate.

Wear this beautiful stone near the throat and heart chakra as a pendant, close to your skin. There, you will feel maximum benefits from this universal stone.

To cleanse this perfectly striped green stone, look to employ nature, using the gifts Mother Earth has given us. Allow a stream to gently cleanse or place it in a rock pool at the beach allowing natural energy to flow and again, cleanse.

If you feel that your stone may have been contaminated smudge with sage. If unsure how to smudge please refer to the previous blog. ‘Smudging Sticks’

To charge your stone place it in direct moonlight, preferably full moon. The next full moon is the super ‘blue moon’ on 30th August 2023. I’ll be making the most of this supermoon and charging a few crystals that night.

Malachite is certainly an important crystal to have in your collection. A powerful crystal assisting our personal growth, decision-making, and wealth both materially and spiritually. Sharing its deep healing green with nature, a pure ‘life force’ for those who are willing and knowledgable to embrace.

Love Life x